New Technology : Gesture Motion Control

Have you ever heard that you can move anything without touching it. You might have seen it doing in some magic ,where they do miracle just by hand gesture. You also may have heard that some one from a far place can control things using his mental power!! Will you believe that even you can do it. !!

Gesture controlled Devices

No, I am not lieing!!. Ok, you may not be able to bend a spoon using your mental power. but now a days there are devices which are giving you the freedom to control them using your hand gesture or even by moving your lips.

A device named leap motion , can be attached with your electronic gadget to make it gesture controlled. Details can be found at

You can change the music track of your computer/laptop/tab/mobile ,you can take pictures, you can answer a call…there are lots of work which can be done using gesture motion controlled devices.

gesture controlled website at grit

Now-a-days , there are few websites which are gesture controlled. Even at GRIT Technologies, we develop gesture controlled websites. You can move a slide using your gestures only. These websites uses your web cam to sense your gesture change , and works accordingly. Please refer to